Prof. Jieshan Qiu is Cheung-Kong Distinguished Professor of Carbon Science and Chemical Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT), and Dalian University of Technology in China, and the Dean of College of Chemical Engineering of BUCT since May 30th 2018. Prof. Qiu is an internationally-recognised research and thought leader in chemical engineering and carbon science. His research encompasses both fundamental and applied aspects of carbon materials and science, with a focus on the methodologies for producing carbon materials from coal and coal-derived by-products such as coal tar pitch, and their applications in energy storage and conversion (solar cells, supercapacitor and batteries, etc.), catalysis and environment protection. Prof. Qiu is the author of 660+ papers in peer-reviewed journals, including Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy & Environ. Sci., Nature Commun., Nano Energy, ACS Nano, Angew. Chem., Chemical Society Reviews, etc., with a citation over 20000 times and h-index 66, including a number of ESI highly cited papers (Web of Sci.). He has a strong record of innovation – over 90 China and International patents issued. He is currently the Vice President and Fellow of Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, an Associate Editor of the international journal ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, and CIESC Journal (Hua Gong Xue Bao, in Chinese), and is on the advisory board of 22 high profile journals, including Chemical Engineering Science, Science China Materials, etc. He has served as the editor of the journal Carbon for 5 years and the founding editor of the journal FlatChem for nearly 2 years, both published by Elsevier. He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in 2018 in the Cross-Field category that aims to identify researchers with substantial influence across several fields during the last decade.