We are pleased to announce the list of invited plenary and keynote speakers for the conference. Further details on the speakers, their presentations and scheduling will appear at a later date. Plenary Speakers Prof. Jennifer Curtis University of California Davis, USA "Using DEM to develop constitutive models for CFD simulations of aspherical particulate flow mixtures" ...more Prof. L.-S. Fan Ohio State University, USA "Chemical looping gasification, reforming and chemical syntheses: Particle technology perspectives" ...more Prof. Hans Kuipers Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands "Dense gas-particle flows with wet particle-partcle interaction: A multi-scale approach" ...more Prof. James Litster University of Sheffield, UK "Model driven design of particulate products and processes" ...more Prof. Jieshan Qiu Dalian University of Technology, China "Design and production of functional carbon materials for energy storage" ...more Keynote Speakers Prof. Stefan Heinrich Hamburg University of Technology, Germany "Particle design by optimised operation of the fluidized bed spray granulation process" ...more Dr Jerry Heng Imperial College London, UK "Nanoparticles for the control of nucleation and crystallisation" ...more Prof. Mengxi Liu China University of Petroleum, China "Fundamental study and commercialisation of a gas-solid air loop fluidized bed" ...more Prof. Stefan Luding University of Twente, Netherlands "From particle simulations towards continuum theory and applications" ...more Dr. J. P. Morrissey University of Edinburgh, UK "Boundary conditions and machine interactions: overlooked aspects of a simulation" ...more Prof. Christoph Müller ETH Zurich, Switzerland "Granular systems: Magnetic resonance and optical imaging" ..more Dr Marco Ramaioli INRA, France & University of Surrey, UK "Pouring a powder onto a liquid interface: dispersion, islands, "lumps" and granular jets" ...more Prof. Mikio Sakai University of Tokyo, Japan "Development and application of innovative discrete element modelling for industrial systems" ..more Dr. Jin Sun University of Edinburgh, UK "From dry quicksand to unsinkable uspensions: Exploring the underlying links between dry granular flow and wet suspensions" ...more Prof. Luis Marcelo Tavares Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil "A detailed breakage model implemented in commercial DEM platforms" ...more Prof. Chi-Hwa Wang National University of Singapore, Singapore "Multi-scale modelling of biomass gasification: The effects of particle transfer and particle fragmentation on gasification performance" ...more Prof. Fei Wei Tsinghua University, China "Silicon carbide as a protective layer to inhibit the chemical formation reaction of Li2SiF6 for stable Si-based anode" ...more Dr Ji Xu Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), China "High performance simulation of discrete particle systems with multi-scale parallel computation" ...more Prof. Shoufeng Yang KU Leuven, Belgium "Powder technology: why it is very important for additive manufacturing/3D printing?" ...more